St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学’s merit-based awards are awarded on the basis of your three year cumulative high school average (freshman through junior year), 课程的严谨性和SAT或ACT成绩*. The best combined effort of the Critical Reading and Math portions of the SAT, 或者ACT分数, 取较高者, 会否用作新生的奖项考虑.
Students can use our Net Price Calculator to determine their merit award, 经济援助计划, 就读全球网赌十大网站.
*St. 博纳旺蒂尔采用了一项新的测试可选政策.
Students with exceptional academic credentials will receive our most prestigious academic award: the St. 博纳旺蒂尔总统奖学金. 每年奖励金额为$26,000*. 该奖学金每年更新一次 for a total four-year value of $104,000, provided that a 3.累积平均绩点保持在25分或以上.
为了与方济各会的教育目标保持一致, the friars of St 博纳旺蒂尔大学 offer scholarships through the contributed services of the friars. This scholarship fund recognizes academically gifted freshmen. 奖金金额为25,000美元*. 该奖学金每年更新一次 for a total four-year value of $100,000, provided that a 3.累积平均绩点维持在0或以上.
These awards are available to entering freshmen with high academic achievement. 奖金金额为24,000美元*. 该奖学金每年更新一次 for a total four-year value of $96,000, 假设a是2.累积平均绩点保持在75分或以上.
Available to entering freshmen with commendable academic achievement, this award amount is $19,000*. 该奖学金每年更新一次 for a total four-year value of $76,000, 假设a是2.累积平均绩点维持在5分或以上.
全球网赌十大网站 激励格兰特 is available to students who have not qualified for any other merit award. 补助金为12美元,000*,每年可续期,四年共48美元,000, 假设a是2.累积平均绩点维持在0或以上.
全球网赌十大网站 兄弟姐妹格兰特 is available to students if two or more siblings from the same immediate family are concurrently registered as full-time undergraduate students in the same semester. The grant is for $250 per semester of concurrent enrollment (or $500 max per student per year). 这项助学金不适用于研究生. This grant is not applicable if a student is receiving a grant, 包括全额学费的奖学金或奖励.
The Bonnie Scholarship is awarded to students their junior year of high school. 在全球网赌十大网站, our Franciscan values of 社区 and service are cornerstones of our identity, 任务, 和文化. This scholarship rewards students based on qualities that reflect the core values of our university, 包括学术上的卓越, 社区, 完整性, 智慧, 领导, 社会责任, 同情, 以及对多样性的欣赏. 每年奖励金额为20,000美元*. 该奖学金每年更新一次 for a total four-year value of $80,000.
*Note: Junior Scholar Award recipients will receive the Junior Scholar award won or, 如果他们符合条件, 在申请时提供数额较大的择优奖学金. The larger merit-based scholarship will replace the JR Scholarship award won if eligible. 了解更多有关 高中初中奖学金.
This School of Communication award recognizes incoming freshmen who have a record of academic achievement, and are pursuing a degree in either Journalism and Mass Communication or Strategic Communication and Digital Media. 奖金至少为1美元,000 and renewable based on satisfactory academic performance. Awardees must have a high school GPA of 88 or higher and a SAT Reading Score of 26.5分或以上或ACT英语或阅读成绩达到21分.5或以上.
这项奖学金不需要申请. The criteria stated above will be used from the student's application for ad任务 for award consideration, 以及经济需求(新生).
St. 玛丽安·柯普奖学金
This School of Education award recognizes incoming freshmen who have a record of academic achievement, 正在攻读基础教育学位, 体育课, 儿童研究和体育研究. 奖金至少为1美元,000 and renewable based on satisfactory academic performance, participation in service activities designed for this scholarship and continued enrollment in the School of Education. Applicants must have a high school GPA of 90 or higher and at least a 1080 (Math & 循证阅读 & 写作)在SAT或20.5或以上 on the ACT, as well as a completed FAFSA displaying financial need.
这项奖学金不需要申请. The criteria stated above will be used from the student's application for ad任务 for award consideration, 以及经济需求(新生).
*Students choosing to live off campus will have their merit scholarship reduced by 25%.
一般, a student cannot receive a freshman scholarship from more than one of the categories listed above. Students who receive ROTC, Tuition Exchange, and Tuition Re任务 do not qualify for these awards.